You Should Feet.
Is an ongoing research about the way products influence ourselves and how this affects us through all our life. Based on the idea of social judgments we tend to find on Products/Brands a solution to fit in a society that always expects something from us.
Is an ongoing research about the way products influence ourselves and how this affects us through all our life. Based on the idea of social judgments we tend to find on Products/Brands a solution to fit in a society that always expects something from us.

You should Fit. Is an ongoing research that been taking part of my life since my Mother had an stroke and stayed in Coma for 2 months and got really close to death. Everything caused by the usage of anti-depressives. That experience had a click on my brain. “Why people look for ways to change/adapt themselves?”.
Human development as a social specie always been my subject of interest, and now been part of my main research. Mostly I intend to understand the “Why” as specie we developed or needs. I went through research from our early stage as groups living in trees to a modern human with new high developed desires.
I’ve been also working for long on a Industry that uses as a primary resource to produce. the most basics and complex human instincts/desires and needs, which gave me a lot of inside background to understand part of our contemporary moment of adaptation.
Long story Short. My research surrounding this theme. Adaptation. How the surrounding perception affects ourselves. How we re-shape ourselves in order to fit; And how the industry have been taking advantage of this moment to turn humans and statistics and citizens in consumers.